Thursday, June 4, 2009

Welcome to Our Blog! :)

Our First Post!

Tom and I have been married for 1 month - Wahoo!

Coming back from Disneyland was a real drag - we had such a great time! I love Disneyland! Tom is an intense Disneylander (thank you High School band trips). I'm pretty sure we rode all the best rides, ate at all the best restaurants, defeated Zurg numerous times with our amazing Space Ranger skills, and devoured unhealthy amounts of Pineapple spears from Adventure Land *YUM*... It was the best time ever!

Since we've been back, we have had loads of fun opening presents, collecting some serious cash, moving into our apartment, and getting used to having each other around all-the-time! It has been really great, and we couldn't be happier:)

We are both working full-time - No fun :( But, we are truly blessed to have steady employment in this rough economy, and we are thankful Heavenly Father sees us fit to receive such blessings!

This summer Tom and I are coaching Maddie's softball team :0 It's her first year playing, and she is doing very well. She is an excellent hitter (stronger than most of the girls who have been playing for several years!), and she has definite potential as a pitcher. Makes me proud :)

It has been a pretty rough go so far. Our team is 0 for 4 :( But, they will get better - I hope. Let me tell you, 12-14 year olds are a handful - and an earful ;) Boys, boys, boys ...that's all they talk about - at practice, in warm-ups, in the field, in the dugout - they would talk about them while they were at bat, if they weren't so scared of getting hit by the ball!

I was never like that, ha ha ;)

Either way, I hope that the season starts to get better, nobody likes to lose all the time.

We rented a whole slew of movies this week to watch. Tom even let me buy "He's Just Not That Into You"! Yay for girly chick-flicks :)
Last night I sat through, "Yes Man!" with Jim Carrey. Tom solemnly swore it was better than "Liar,Liar" - and he was out of his crazy mind! (love you Tom)

I'm a huge JC fan - and this was not one of my favorites. It was dirty (to be expected - but the whole Grandma thing made me puke in my mouth a little), slow, and just kind of ...stupid? I swear a 3rd grader could have wrote the plot...yawn :O Oh well, maybe our other movies will be better!

I am really looking forward to this weekend. It is my works Summer Social at the REAL Soccer Game with David Archuleta singing the National Anthem - it should be fun, as long as we aren't sitting next to any crazies who spill their beer on me or yell really, really loud - boo to them! I'm pretty excited to see the game - some days I like soccer, and other days I think it sucks - hopefully Saturday is a good day :) They are doing this really cool charity event which I plan on participating in. They are asking for "soccer ball donations" - the soccer balls will be sent to kids all around the world , especially those in struggling countries. So, now I just need to go buy a soccer ball!

Tom is singing a lovely song about "Tommy Going to Bed" (almost as good as his tribute to "Wallymart") . So, i guess that's my cue :) G'night!


  1. I am so happy for you congrates!! Where are you living these days? Once you figure out how to add people to your blog you will have to add me!!

  2. Cute blog!

    You two are such a wonderful, happy couple. I am so happy for you and don't you just hate leaving Disneyland. So sad! Too bad we all just can't live there.

    Too cool that you are coaching Maddie's team. I bet she just loves having you guys around.

  3. Sounds like your having a great time! We hope the best for you!

  4. Can you believe that Stewart has NEVER been to Disneyland? He's not real crazy about ever going either. He's not a big roller coaster guy. Weird.

    Anyway, we're so happy for you two. Congratulations! Life only gets better!
